Lower back pain can impact every area of your life, from walking, sleeping, sitting in a movie theater, and driving.
With a society that leads a more sedentary lifestyle on account of sitting at a desk all day, “Netflix and Chill,” and spending the majority of our time driving and commuting, it’s no wonder lower back pain is such a common ailment.
Fortunately, you don’t have to suffer. Research shows that doing regular stretching two to three times a week can help prevent and ease lower back pain.
This traditional yoga pose gently stretches your glute muscles, thigh muscles, and spinal extensors, relieving pain and tension along your spine, neck, and shoulders.
Its relaxing effect on your body also helps loosen up tight lower back muscles, promoting flexibility and blood circulation along the spine.
How to do it:
1. With your hands and knees on the ground, sink back through your hips to rest them on your heels.
2. Hinge at your hips as you fold forward, walking your hands out in front of you.
3. Rest your belly on your thighs.
4. Extend your arms in front of or alongside your body with your palms facing up.
5. Focus on breathing deeply and relaxing any areas of tension or tightness.
6. Hold this pose for up to 1 minute.
You can do this pose several times during your stretching routine.
2. Seated spinal twist
This classic twist stretches your hips, glutes, and back. It
increases mobility in your spine and stretches your abdominals, shoulders, and neck.
How to do it:
1. Sit on the floor with both legs extended out in front.
2. Bend your left knee and place your foot to the outside of your right thigh.
3. Place your right arm on the outside of your left thigh.
4. Place your left hand behind you for support.
5. Starting at the base of your spine, twist to the left side.
6. Hold this pose for up to 1 minute.
7. Repeat on the other side.
3. Piriformis stretch
This stretch works your
piriformis muscle, which is deep in your buttocks. Stretching this muscle may help relieve pain and tightness in your glutes and lower back.
How to do it:
1. Lie on your back with both knees bent and your feet flat on the floor.
2. Place your right ankle at the base of your left thigh.
3. Then, place your hands behind your left thigh and pull up toward your chest until you feel a stretch.
4. Hold this position for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
5. Then do the opposite side.
4. Knee-to-chest stretch
This stretch relaxes your hips, thighs, and glutes.
How to do it:
1. Lie on your back with both knees bent and your feet flat on the floor.
2. Keep your left knee bent, or extend it straight out along the floor.
3. Draw your right knee into your chest, clasping your hands behind your thigh or at the top of your shinbone.
4. Lengthen your spine down to your tailbone, and avoid lifting your hips.
5. Breathe deeply, releasing any tension.
6. Hold this pose for 30 seconds to 1 minute.
7. Repeat with the other leg.